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Nashville360Nashville Needlework Market 2022
Needle's Work Antiques, the Stop by and see a piece of needlework history. We sell unique and wonderful antique needlework samplers and needlework tools. We have American, English, Scottish and Dutch samplers. This year we are offering a rare Waynesville school sampler from Waynesville, Ohio. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about and take home your own piece of history. We offer layaways on all of our antiques to make them extra tempting! Be sure to check out what we have on sale!!
Needlework Retailer,117 Alexander Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50010. Phone: 800-561-5380 or 515-232-6507. Fax 515-232-0789. email info@needleworkretailer.com For advertising information call Megan Chriswisser at 1-800-561-5380. The Needlework Retailer is the only trade magazine devoted entirely to the counted cross stitch, needlepoint, and the needlework industry. Published by Yarn Tree 6 times a year and distributed free to retail stores in the US that sell needlework. Print subscriptions are available to others related to the industry in the United States for $14 for 6 issues; in Canada for $20 for 6 issues; other countries $43 for 6 issues. Online subscriptions are free. Sorry, subscriptions are not available to consumers. If you are a retail needlework store and are not receiving the Needlework Retailer please use our Manage Subscription page or call us at 800-561-5380 to subscribe. |