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Nashville360Nashville Needlework Market 2022
Dinky Dyes, LLC We hand dye 6 ply stranded silk, 3 sizes silk perle, 2 widths silk ribbon and Jumbuck which is 50% silk and 50% wool. We also distribute for 30+ European and U.S. designers.
Needlework Retailer,117 Alexander Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50010. Phone: 800-561-5380 or 515-232-6507. Fax 515-232-0789. email info@needleworkretailer.com For advertising information call Megan Chriswisser at 1-800-561-5380. The Needlework Retailer is the only trade magazine devoted entirely to the counted cross stitch, needlepoint, and the needlework industry. Published by Yarn Tree 6 times a year and distributed free to retail stores in the US that sell needlework. Print subscriptions are available to others related to the industry in the United States for $14 for 6 issues; in Canada for $20 for 6 issues; other countries $43 for 6 issues. Online subscriptions are free. Sorry, subscriptions are not available to consumers. If you are a retail needlework store and are not receiving the Needlework Retailer please use our Manage Subscription page or call us at 800-561-5380 to subscribe. |